About Me

My name is Jacob Barrett and I'm a current candidate for a Master of Science in Biology at Austin Peay State University. As a researcher, I'm primarily interested in understanding the fitness consequences of behaviors exhibited by fishes, as well as the contexts they arise in. Additionally, I have several years of experience working with state and federal resource agencies in the management of sport and non-sport fishes in western states in the US.


As mentioned above, most of my past and current research has focused on the behavioral ecology of fishes. However, my interests also include population dynamics, fish movement and recruitment, and anthropogenic impacts on relevant biological process. Click here to learn more about my previous and current research.

Work Experience

Since my graduation from the University of San Diego in 2017, I've worked for state and federal resource agencies in California and Idaho. Click here to learn more about my work experiences and view my CV.

Analytical Skills

Through my research and education I've acquired a number of computational and analytical skills, primarily using programming language R. Click here to visit my Github page and view examples of some of the analyses I've performed.